



6 Reasons to Buy a Boat Before Spring

As the season for boating ends, you may be at a loss for what to do next. With your boat in storage, you may think there’s nothing you can do but wait until spring hits. While winter is generally considered the worst time to go boating, it can be one of the best times...
Custom Marine’s Boat Storage To-Do List

Custom Marine’s Boat Storage To-Do List

As the boating season draws to a close, there are a few things to keep in mind before putting your boat into storage. Out of sight is not out of mind when it comes to boat storage, and an improperly stored boat can result in damages that will delay your time on the...
How Often Do I Need a Boat Oil Change?

How Often Do I Need a Boat Oil Change?

One of the most straightforward and essential components of keeping your boat afloat is getting a boat oil change regularly. Once you find your dream boat, you’ll want to keep your boat running as smoothly as the day you bought it for years to come. As a new boat...
Sea Fox Boats Now For Sale At Custom Marine

Sea Fox Boats Now For Sale At Custom Marine

Purchasing a boat requires a lot of thought, research, and financial planning. When considering making such an important purchase, who you go to for answers is crucial. At Custom Marine, our knowledgeable team of experts have over 100 years of experience in the...

Boat Delivery Process: Owner Responsibilities

Once you’ve taken ownership of your new boat, there are some things that every boat owner should be aware of. Once you have possession of your new vessel, you are always legally responsible for your load whenever you are hauling your boat on the road. One way you can...

Boat Delivery Process: Trailer

A large part of using your new boat revolves around the trailer. Some have large distances to travel to use their boat. Some even vacation with their boats and travel eight or more hours. So it is important that the system is in good working order.  Here are a few...

Boat Delivery Process: Engine Break-In

Brand new motors have a pretty specific break-in period and procedure that needs to be observed. You should have received a paper copy of your owner’s manual for your new Yamaha motor. If you cannot locate your manual, you can refer here for Yamaha’s procedures and...

Boat Delivery Process: Electronics + Helm

Electronics + Helm  The helm is on the top side of the deck of your boat, and it is the console where you spend most of your time while you are driving. Included in the helm are the instruments for your boat. Here you will find the dials and switches used to control...

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