



Brand new motors have a pretty specific break-in period and procedure that needs to be observed. You should have received a paper copy of your owner’s manual for your new Yamaha motor. If you cannot locate your manual, you can refer here for Yamaha’s procedures and online manuals. 

Each model has a slightly different procedure, and it is important for the long life of your motor that you follow these instructions carefully. During this process it is important to treat the motors very easily and not over throttle the motor. The new parts and raw metal that are touching inside the engine need to slowly “get to know each other” and be eased in. The steps of this procses are also performed at different RPM levels, which allow the mating of the new metals inside the motor. 

The break-in period takes almost ten hours in almost every Yamaha motor, following that at 20 hours a break-in service needs to be performed at a Yamaha dealership. You can service this yourself as seen in the Yamaha owner’s manuals, but you have to be careful and detailed keeping all receipts.


A lot of our outboard motors are used in salt water, and there are things boat owners can do to protect the finish and the interior parts of our Yamaha engine. First, the motor should be rinsed with fresh water after every use. Although they are not always located in the same spot, almost every Yamaha motor has a spigot or valve that connects to a water hose. Rinsing your outboard motor is as easy as allowing the fresh water to run through the engine for 8 – 12 minutes. This will run most of the salt water from the inside of your motor. 

You will also want to make sure that you thoroughly rinse and wash the exterior of the motor to protect the finish. Yamaha motors are top notch, but you will want to do all that you can to protect that finish and keep you engine looking great. 

Next, we will discuss the boat delivery process and your new boat’s trailer. Click the button to learn more.

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